TNSC was founded in 2006 to offer complete and customised services to support companies in outsourcing ordinary and/or transitory production.
The TNSC portfolio ranges from mechanical and electromechanical assembly to civil and industrial installations […]
Tncs deals with the assembling and wiring of mechanical and electromechanical products .. .and .. much more …
Quality as a global and daily commitment to keep high production standards and constant over time.
Our passion drives us to seek opportunities in order to develop technological innovation and share success through reliable and stable relationships.
(Italiano) Occorre competenza ed elevata professionalità, per garantire la dinamica e il funzionamento del prodotto. Le lavorazioni elettromeccaniche curate da TNSC sono realizzate con un elevato livello di precisione. La manualità rappresenta un aspetto fondamentale del processo produttivo.[en:]Competence and high professionalism are required to guarantee the dynamics and functioning of the product. Electromechanical machining carried out by TNSC guarantees a high level of precision. Manual skills represent the key features of the production process.
The perfect mix of organisation, planning and customised management allows us to meet production needs even during emergencies. Machinery, equipment, manual work and a well-stocked warehouse guarantee timely execution in compliance with “Quality Control”.
Large and bright spaces allow us to manage the storage of goods in dedicated areas, in full compliance with current safety standards.